Public Art

CLB’s authentic approach to architecture and interiors not only results in the construction of holistic, inspired projects but also supports the processes and people behind them, cultivating conversation, collaboration, and a new kind of “public.”

Installation design has emerged as an intuitive growing edge of CLB’s practice. Accessible, interactive, and able to be deployed with a kind of immediacy foreign to most other types of building projects, this work has allowed CLB to inspire the public with newly defined places, embedded within their daily lives. The firm demonstrates an innate understanding of their “public” as generative and generous instead of faceless and anonymous. Designing armatures that encourage individuals to discover themselves and their relationships with the world around them, CLB continuously redefines their “public” to allow for heterogeneity, multiplicity, contradiction, and coming together.

Over time, CLB has demonstrated that designing installations is not only a natural continuation of their ethos but also a keen tool in unwinding the connections that bind us all together. CLB’s installations have proven their own social sustainability as they have been embraced into the daily routines of the public that surrounds them. As part of this organic, ever-expanding network, these projects lay the groundwork for novel methods of design and construction, as well as new ways of understanding and experiencing the world.