GLOW Nights is an annual event organized by Jackson Hole Public Art when artists are invited to create original illuminated art works that are located around the valley. The temporary exhibition intends to bring moments of light and interest to our long winter nights.
Undercurrent is CLB’s fourth GLOW entry and manifests itself as a field of individual elements that together create a singular, habitable form. The top of each piece is painted with reflective paint and rolled in fine glass beads that work together to create an illuminated canopy. 300+ pieces of #5 rebar, a common and inexpensive building material, were hammer drilled two feet into the ground and project 12′ above the ground. In plan, the installation takes the shape of a square with a path and inner void that allow visitors to inhabit and walk beneath the swaying canopy of light. The installation’s form is a response to power lines buried beneath it – the pathway through the center follows the path of the utilities, safely avoiding them while providing access to a central void.
Undercurrent is illuminated by LED spotlights around its perimeter, carefully aimed to maximize reflection back to viewers along East Broadway Avenue, a major artery for the Town of Jackson.